

7 Reasons You’re Fat and Why You’ll Probably Stay Fat

We fat people are a minority. We are looked upon as different. Kids look at us differently. Adults look at us differently. Its a sad fact that people are judged on their appearance in today’s modern society, even after all the talks of “it’s what’s on the inside that counts.” Today I’m going to give you seven good reasons why you’re fat and why you’ll probably stay fat.

  1. You’re Lazy. Plain and simple. The thought of exercising just makes you want another 200 calorie soda.
  2. Your job rules your life. Whether you’re a full-time mom or a business executive, you probably don’t have time to eat healthy.
  3. You have too much free time to spend eating. If you did more things rather than watch TV or sit at the computer chatting on facebook, maybe you could lose weight
  4. You work from home and have a house full of goodies. The temptation is all around you. Doritos in the cabinet, cookies in the jar, ice cream in the freezer. Forget salad!
  5. You eat anger/depression away. You can’t help but hate the world, your job, your car, your kids, your friends, your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. Why not have another Oreo?
  6. Your friends are fat and they drag you down. They eat out a lot, they snack, they order pizza/chinese and invite you over. It’s inevitable to happen.
  7. You just don’t care about calories, fat content, carbs, you eat what you want because you only get one life to live.

How do we correct these issues?

There’s no simple way to stop a horrible habit. Fact is, you make goals and never follow through. It’s a bad character flaw and we have it and hate ourselves for it. I don’t expect you to change your life style in order to be thin and conform. If you’re happy with who you are, stay that way and don’t let anyone pull you down.

Take your problem one step at a time, attempt to eliminate the things that are causing you to be overweight and unhappy. Like I said, don’t become a vegetarian or vow to never eat chocolate again, just think little. Moderate how you intake these fatty (yet delicious) foods, slowly adjust your body to different and better eating habits. Change your thinking, control your mind, and it’ll change your body.

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (84)

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  1. MishaNo Gravatar says:

    I love this! Honest words that slap us in the face. We come up with too many excuses why we’re overweight and this just dumps the excuses in the trash. Thanks for making it real.

    • IsraelNo Gravatar says:

      That’s what this blog is about. Reality!

    • Fat KidNo Gravatar says:

      No autographs please. Thank you.

      • najiaNo Gravatar says:

        fat kid you might be right those were some of the reasons why i never used to do anything about ma weight.i know iam a fat pig and i admit that i didn’t used to care but do know what as soon as i started to care and decided to do something about it my doctor told me not to exercise and to top it up i can’t even make my own food choices. so guess what you are wrong those are not the only reasons why people like us are fat this is one more and is way more depressing than any of the ones you have mentioned.

    • 3Guys1GoalNo Gravatar says:

      So now that we know the 7 things preventing us. We just have to change them to the 7 things that enable us. Good luck on your journey.

  2. AndrewNo Gravatar says:

    Some of those used to be true of me but no more. I’m making good decisions now. And so can you!

  3. KimberlyNo Gravatar says:

    Ohhhh, you’ve hit a sore spot now! πŸ˜‰ Fat people are rarely fat because they are lazy. They are fat because they have not made their health a higher priority. Do you brush your teeth every day? (Hope so!) That’s because you have made it a priority to have good oral health. Do you bath regularly? (Most people I’ve asked this do say yes) Well, you’ve made being clean a priority. You almost NEVER let your life become so busy that you do not do those two things. Maybe you’ll skip one or two times. (Hey, I went over 3-1/2 months unable to brush my teeth because my jaw was wired shut from a car accident. I didn’t FORGET how to brush them and you can bet as soon as I could I started back brushing the few that I had left, that is. That’s because my oral health is a priority,) Your physical health should be no different.

    Almost everything you listed are outside influences. And as long as you let the outside world influence you about your health you are surely destined to NOT be healthy.

    I’m on a soapbox, indeed! I’m passionate about this, however. If there ever is a secret about being healthy and fit, it’s a mindset that YOU have to make YOUR health a priority. I can hire someone to cook for me. I can hire someone to take care of my kids. I can even hire someone to drive me to work. But I cannot hire someone to make me healthy…only show me.


    • oslapedoNo Gravatar says:

      Sing it sista!

      I totally agree with you, it’s all about your mindset and outlook on the situation. Instead of barreling to the computer as soon as you get home why not take out an hour for outside-time? I love just walking around πŸ™‚

  4. JanBNo Gravatar says:

    People don’t want to hear things like what you wrote, but it’s very true. When I went to the doctor back a year ago and asked what to do about my herniated disk in my back, he said it would probably never really recover and that I would not need surgery but when I asked if taking the weight off would help, he said absolutely. I think even doctors are afraid to lay it on the line like you did. The problem is that people drift into weight gain because it’s easy and pleasurable. It relieves stress in a way that nothing else can do, but it’s so bad for us and insidious because it’s fun and easy.

  5. The lazy part is right on. Simple but true; the more active you become, the more energy you naturally have to motivate yourself to workout.

  6. ViralKingNo Gravatar says:

    Great Post FatKid!

    Interesting copy blog too

  7. Hood WorkoutNo Gravatar says:

    #1 is the most basic. If you are reading this you are on the web and have more than enough power within your fingertips to get in shape NOW! Good post.

  8. DanNo Gravatar says:

    I’m overweight by about 80 pounds, and I have to say, you have hit the nail right on it’s big fat ass.

  9. Dr. KalNo Gravatar says:

    I use to have reasons 1, 2, and 5. However, not all overweight people are lazy. I have seen overweight marathon runners and long distant cyclist. Many overweight people are very active. The only problem is some of them do a 10-K then eat McDonalds.

  10. FrancisNo Gravatar says:

    Some of those in the list applies to me, yet I am an underweight ectomorph.

  11. I think your number one applies directly to me. I know I want to loose weight. I go to work and while traveling back home I think “I need to exercise”. Once I go home, I feel I am too tired and then there’s loads of temptation not to excercise!

  12. asdf420No Gravatar says:

    Its a sad fact that people are judged on their appearance in today’s modern society, even after all the talks of β€œit’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

    Judging someone based on appearance doesn’t mean you are neglecting the person on the inside. The list above shows that a person’s appearance can be window to their character and lifestyle. Being fat on the outside is a symptom of major issues on the inside.

  13. sherifffruitflyNo Gravatar says:

    There’s only one reason a person is fat. Cals in > cals out. Conservation laws reign – mass doesn’t come from nowhere.

    There can be a variety of reasons for inequality, however.

    • FatMacDaddyNo Gravatar says:

      Total BS, buddy. Take two people…both 175 lbs…give them both a slice of cake…one will passout and the other will be just fine…why…because one is a Type 1 diabetic!

      It’s not just calories in and calories out (the low carb diets have proven that). The reality is that we each have a different genetic make up and that will dictate a lot of how you will develop. Yes, exercise will make the most healthy you but you might still carry more body mass.

      The sad part is that you creeps know this and still try to perpetuate the big lie. Case in point, a women’s breast size is determined genetically. If she has adequate nutrition then her breast will develop to a certain size. Nothing short of surgery will change this. For some women, that mean naturally large breast no matter what they eat or how much they exercise (SEE Soliel Moon Frye, Christian Ricci, Raven Simone, etc)

      Finally I love the compassion you put out there and that you think the late Lee Atwater was lazy or just didn’t care. The man ballooned up in his final days…due to a brain tumor. Now talk about being lazy and just not making time.

      • SCIENCENo Gravatar says:

        How is what he posted total BS? The laws of thermodynamics cannot be danced around by genetics. He even wrote at the end of his post that “There can be a variety of reasons for inequality, however” which is obviously a reference to genetic dispositions and other physical limitations.

        But please, go off on more diabetes, breast & brain tumor tangents because that’s very relevant to the topic at hand.

  14. Jeremy WallsNo Gravatar says:

    Being Fat and Lazy is the American way of life.

    NOBODY does “fat” like us american do..gotta love that.
    we might be HATED all over the world but at least we arent starving i guess.

  15. ViralKingNo Gravatar says:

    Wow this is getting a lot of attention over at Digg

    Nice Work Fat Man! πŸ˜›

  16. AndrewNo Gravatar says:

    People who stay fat are simply lazy. I’m 19 and 6 months ago weighed over 110KG (over 240lbs) and now i’ve lose 35KG (77lbs) with a little thing called determination, hard work and exercise. No fad diets, no bullshit. Simple, no soft drink (soda), no fried food, no chips, none of that unhealthy 2 minute food and i’m feeling better for it.

    Now i give shit to fat people and tell them to stop being lazy, because that’s what a friend did to me and made me really think and work hard to lose weight.

    • IsraelNo Gravatar says:

      That deserves a congratulations! But you also need to be a bit sympathetic at first. Sometimes being tough and harsh doesn’t work on someone.

  17. Hoboken411No Gravatar says:

    Good starting list..

    A couple things to add:

    – Booze. Not only bad calories, but think about the hunger binges you go on after a night out (pizza, burgers, etc.)

    – Thinking “cardio” is the only way to lose weight. Most people think running, biking is the only way to get into shape. While it’s certainly not harmful, adding muscle mass helps you keep the weight off. Cardio only burns while you do it. Losing the weight is great, but it drops you BMR. Without the extra muscles craving calories, your daily calorie burn will only go down. Tip for newbies: Work your largest muscle groups for fastest results- Back, legs, etc.

    – And I want to add a bit to the lazy. People are complete spoiled by on-demand everything. Food (drive-thru, delivery), TV (cable, internet), and most anything else, the effort involved to get most things these days is non-existent. Even when people drive to the mall they spend many minutes looking to “score” the closest parking spot. Why not just park as far away as possible? Free workout? Walk to the store to buy the paper, instead of delivery. Etc. etc. etc.

    It all boils down to:

    1. Burning more than you consume.
    2. Stop looking for “immediate results.” Work on permanent, long term, and easier to maintain solutions instead. What’s the rush?
    3. Realizing that effort is required. Magic solutions in a book, bottle, or snappy device will not help. It all comes from withing.

    Great Blog!!! Keep up the good work.

    (Now if I can practice what I preach, that’s another story…)

  18. sherifffruitflyNo Gravatar says:

    One particularly funny aspect of the US fat boom is how asians come over here feeling all racially superior, laughing at us fat Americans, and then proceed to get fat themselves.

  19. JalmariNo Gravatar says:

    Aren’t you fatasses the majority in America?

  20. brayNo Gravatar says:

    This may be of interest to readers of this blog since it goes in to detail each week on how to use cutting-edge nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle techniques to lose weight and live a healthier life.

  21. MichaelNo Gravatar says:

    Being vegetarian is not necessarily the solution either.
    My wife and I have both been vegetarian for over 11 years, and we are both about 25% overweight. We never eat fast food, and only drink soda once a week, but we love our carbs. Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes were our staples. Some of our friends are even Vegan (no cheese, butter,eggs) and they are also overweight.
    Low carb diets like Atkins, and South Beach that have been proven to work are difficult for us, as most of the recipes assume you eat meat and fish, and without our “white food” staples it is hard to make a meal.
    That being said, eating lots of green vegs with tofu, eggs, cheese and (some kinds) beans for low carb protein is my current plan, as well as increasing our salad intake by 500%.
    The book “Good Calories, Bad Calories is a very interesting read (if somewhat technical) that makes a good case for carb consumption being the culprit in “Big America”.

  22. ChafNo Gravatar says:

    Just drink lots of water during the day, eat small (healthy) snacks between meals, and don’t stuff your face while you eat your meals. After you begin eating healthier, go buy a bike, longboard, roller blades…whatever…go do something fun and active 2-3 times a day for 30 mins. It’s not hard, we all just need to have better habits.

  23. I definitely agree about the water. You’ll pee a lot, but it encourages nutrient transportation and proper waste disposal. Sweet overall response to this post…wow!

  24. DavidNo Gravatar says:

    Fat people are a minority? Um… maybe 30 or 40 years ago. And honestly, there is nothing wrong with judging people to some degree based on their appearance. I know if I see a homeless guy shouting and jumping up and down on the street corner, I don’t get too close. Likewise when I see a fat person I can make assumptions about their lifestyle. (NOT their personality, but their lifestyle at the very least.)

    And that’s just obese people, that doesn’t count all of the other fat folk.

  25. Fat KidNo Gravatar says:

    Somehow I knew this went front page on Digg when I woke up this morning…

    Perhaps it was the 40 emails about comments… πŸ™‚

  26. ParthNo Gravatar says:

    Wow, I’m glad I discovered this site. I’ve always agreed with gradually changing your body. People are so caught up with this “quick fix” mentality that they end up performing crash diets or doing things that might hurt them in the gym. Good post.

  27. I believe the number one reason and should be up on your list is lack of education regarding health. I think if people really understood what they were doing to their bodies by eating a super value meal at McDonalds, they might walk into a deli instead.

  28. Rev. SpaminatorNo Gravatar says:

    What ever happened to just being hungry? When you’re really hungry, does bunny food look good or does a pizza? Come on, get real! I’ve been on both ends of thin and heavy. When I’m a healthy weight, I’m fighting that natural craving for the pizza. I will eat a slice or two and be OK, but I have to resist the craving to eat the WHOLE pizza. (As long as the beer holds out, I have room for another slice.)

    Is this an issue of outlook and/or lifestyle? I think it has more to do with natural instincts. Someone else commented earlier about availability. In nature, life is usually feast or famine. We can go days (or longer) without food or on very little food. We are incredible fat building machines. (Some of us are better than others.) In a world of unpredictable food supply, that is a bonus and helps the better fat builders survive longer. Now that food is plentiful all the time, the fat builders need to die off prior to breeding. But we don’t, we just wait for the next major catastrophe, waiting for the day that our curse becomes our salvation. Waiting for the day we can laugh at the pathetic skinny kids who teased us. Enjoying our cold revenge as they waste away and our fat gives us the extra energy to find other food supplies and steal their girlfriends in the process. πŸ™‚

    Even if you don’t like being fat, understand it is part of you for a reason. Stop hating yourself for having an advantage over others. Once you stop hating yourself, you will have an easier time controlling the natural advantage given to you. (Even if you loose the weight, your ability will still be there, waiting for that day of reckoning for your childhood tormentors.)

  29. (Caveman grunt x2) ughugh


    Great comment above. Lol.

  30. WorknManNo Gravatar says:

    In regard to #4, I think I’d do better if I worked from home. Companies are always trying to ‘reward’ their employees wit pizza and junk food, and then you have the nimrods who keep the bowl of chocolates on their desks for anyone to partake in. Not to mention the soda and vending machines, which rarely (if ever) have anything healthy in them. At least when I’m at home, I have direct control over the foods I have access to. There’s nothing but fruits, veggies, and whole grains to snack on at my house.

  31. ListenCarefullyNo Gravatar says:

    Pour some vegetable oil in a tall glass. Then pour in an equal amount of water. Then ponder the fact that our muscle mass is mostly water. Do you see that FAT WEIGHS LESS THAN MUSCLE. Then stop using a scale to judge yourself. Use the mirror if you’re concerned about how bodyfat is affecting your apperance. Equating weight loss with health is what is stopping you from getting healthy.
    All the reasons/excuses you listed are just variations on not making your health a priority. The only true and permanent motivation will come from yourself. Making health your priority means taking care of yourself, which means caring for yourself, which means loving yourself unconditionally. Stop judging yourself and start loving yourself and you will be healthy. Of course, this is a lot harder than just making a decision. To love yourself unconditionally, you must accept yourself without judgment. This means don’t judge yourself as bad for being fat or good for being thin. In order to believe that your are worthy of this love you must question ALL other beliefs you hold. The first should probably be the belief that loving yourself is selfish.

  32. MeryyNo Gravatar says:

    It’s always surprising to me how intensely mean some people can be to someone who’s fat. It doesn’t help the fat person become thin, but I imagine it must make the hater feel better somehow. Still kind of sad.

  33. DaniNo Gravatar says:

    Psst, fat people aren’t a minority anymore.

  34. joaquinNo Gravatar says:

    A lot has to do with your gene pool.

  35. KimberlyNo Gravatar says:

    I find it puzzling when someone will tell an overweight person ‘If you’d JUST (fill in the anadotal notion). It isn’t a ‘JUST DO THIS.’ It is a DO this and this, but it’s not easy.

    And no one’s lazy. They just choose not to eat healthy foods, they choose not to incorporate exercise into their lifestyle, etc. We call that lazy but it really has to do with their priorities. When eating fast food was OK to get a quick lunch, I had a weight problem. When I made it a priority to make my own lunch, I chose a different priority which gave me a different outcome.

    Israel, I gave up the scales in 1996! Swear!!! I haven’t weighed myself since that day…it wasn’t a good one. But I have kept a log book of my body measurements. And I go by how my clothes fit. Inches down, smaller clothes equals success to me. Oh, and improving with my exercising and food choices too.

    Just by the sheer amount of comments here shows the complexity of loosing weight and staying healthy. Our culture isn’t set up for health success, sadly.

  36. love handlesNo Gravatar says:

    Bingo! Half the battle of losing weight is basically against yourself. Unfortunately we are our own worst enemy eating stuff that’s bad.

    I recommend that if you are seeking to lose weight, you be the one to go to the supermarket next time and make sure you get only healthy stuff. After all if you follow rule #1 above, we are lazy and hence would just deal with whats in the cupboard.

    This works VERY WELL – seriously try it – buy only healthy food and just see if you don’t start eating healthy.

  37. Fatty mc fat fatNo Gravatar says:

    Haha funniest ive ever read, get out there and lose some weight πŸ˜› i weighted more freshman year of highschool than i do now at 19 its not that hard lmao.

    • ListenCarefullyNo Gravatar says:

      From freshman year (15?) to 19? Losing weight at that age is nothing. Try it when you’re 40 with all the responsibilities of family, work, home etc. Making health and fitness a priority then is a REAL challenge. And your body responds less to exercise.

  38. You are probably right. But if you want to lost weight you need to have courage to say NO to FASTFOOD. Because being fat is not good.

  39. constructive trollNo Gravatar says:

    i heard that the no.1 reason fat peeps are fat…
    fat friends
    and the no.2 reason fat peeps are fat….
    fat family
    here is a classic what came first the chicken or the egg situation
    now that may not be too constructive but it give us some basis for understanding the mental/emotional environment. i have never been fat, the most over weight i have been is probally 10 extra lbs of fat, i am more muscle bound. i believe in the old school formula of weight loss.
    Expend more than you consume and you will be GUARANTEED to loose weight.
    This formula requires that you kinda know the calories you intake, and that you excerise.
    When it comes down to brass tacks, i think we all know how to loose weight. but i think there are other issuses to loosing weight.
    a older female friend of mine told me once that women can subconsciously hold onto their fat because it kinda gives them a “feeling” of emotional protection, like a suit of armor made of fat. true change will only occur when one understands the driving reasons that they do what they do. this goes for uprooting any bad habits.
    it may take a while of introspection and ontology to understand why you are fat. go back to when you first started to pack on the pounds.
    it could be you love sense gratification, in this case your sense of taste. i LOVE to stimulate my taste buds and explore the different textures and aromas of all foods. the difference is i dont shy away from using my body. the pleasures of having a healthy body are endless. you must focus on what you want instead of what you dont. mental monologue like this will help…. ” eating this will nourise my body” instead of ” im not sastisfied by eating this” or ” with everthing i do i build a closer, more harmonious relationship with my body” instead of “wouldnt it feel great to just sit down and relax”
    the body has great intelligence, we should all take the time to listen to what our bodies are saying to us. our emotions are the bodies reaction to what we think. are you feeling terrible? what were you thinking before you felt terrible? wanna feel better? think of something positive! “oh, boy. it’d feel great to be able to run like a kid again, fleet of foot and free of spirit!”

  40. Damn, so guilty of 1 and 2!

  41. lionheartNo Gravatar says:

    mmmm dorritos. I’m guilty of all these things.

  42. Acai BerryNo Gravatar says:

    haha.. I love this article. Great job. It’s so true that the simplest things are the objects holding people back.

  43. Dude this is an Awesome article

    I agree with you

    I cant loss my weight for years now. ….. Damn nightmare

    Im eating less and often but still nothing …..Must be my metabolism

  44. phaliotoNo Gravatar says:

    this article should be renamed to:

    “the reasons why i’m fat and will remain so”.

    this has nothing to do with me or most folks i know… huh?

    maybe the article writer should get out more often and put the fork down..

    remember, denial is the tattle tail!

  45. DavidNo Gravatar says:

    I would add at least 8 hours sleep to it. Tension and stress can also make you fat!

  46. pyjammezNo Gravatar says:

    It can all be summed up in this sentence. “I’m too lazy and I like food too much”. I’m going to write a book titled that one day. lol

  47. LostmyFlabNo Gravatar says:

    Great post there. I’ll just like to point out that perhaps the reasons are not as simple as what we see. We’re all different people leading different lifestyles, one will never realise how much circumstances another faces in order to lose weight.

    I believe many people are actually putting in effort to lose some weight. You can tell by relating it to how much the weight loss industry is worth.

    Most people are going to stay fat only because they do not know how to stay thin. So many of them are channeling efforts into the wrong directions. Just take a look around..

    • julieNo Gravatar says:

      Thanks for a brief voice of reason amongst all the self-righteousness. It’s not as simple as everyone really wants to believe to lose weight and keep it off, otherwise we wouldn’t have a multibillion dollar weight loss industry, and a problem that just gets worse.

  48. Holy smokes. First of all, Israel, many kudos for putting yourself out there like this and speaking your true feelings. Not only did you write something so deep and true but you led others to chime in and add additional quality view points. I can’t believe I actually read every comment. Must’ve taken me almost an hour.

    I personally am not fat. I’m actually very fit and have been a personal trainer since 1998. Everyone’s openness on this post really helped me gain broader insight into the minds of the people I work with and the clients my company serves.

    As personal trainers, we’re only part of the equation. Many of the hurdles are within the mind of the client. We can lead them to water but can’t make them drink it. An entire mindset shift needs to occur and as someone else mentioned… Do it one thing at a time. What’s the rush. We often set ourselves up for failure without even knowing it and with the best intentions at heart.

    Thanks for sharing. Now I’m going to scroll back up and check out your progress.

    Dennys Passeto, CPT

  49. Thanks for sharing! You have so much information that is helpful to people who need to lose weight or people who are trying to be healthy. I truly enjoy your blog.

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