

Cleanse Program Day 4: Lost 3 Lbs. and 3.5 Inches in 3 Days

As promised, here is an update of my 30 day Cleanse program. I just started this recently and have some pretty good results. In 3 days I have lost 3 lbs. That’s a lot of weight to lose in 3 days. Aside from that, I have lost a total of 3.5 inches from my waist. Here is the my first cleanse video, in case you missed it.

Today is my day 4 on the program and happens to be a lifting day. I had another great workout, got up some extra reps that I hadn’t been getting in the last few workouts. Placebo? I doubt it. Yesterday was day 3, a cleanse day where I drink 4 ounces of Cleanse for Life 4 times a day with water. I was not hungry at all. I was expecting to be starving, but was pleasantly surprised at how well I was able to maintain. Like I said, today is day 4, so I had another shake for breakfast, then a regular meal, and another IsaLean shake for dinner. I had one right after my afternoon workout and it went down perfectly! I am really liking the taste of the chocolate IsaLeans. I may crack open a Vanilla IsaLean to see how it compares.


Some quick side notes: This morning I noticed my belt fit a lot looser, plus someone I know said I looked skinnier. That made my day! A little mini victory I had today: I turned down a piece of chocolate ice cream cake. It looked good, but wasn’t worth it. Everyone had some but me. Mental toughness!!!

I am really looking forward to the coming days and am aiming for a 15 lb loss from the 30 Day Cleanse. In my last post, a few users posted their results. They had some stellar results and I can only hope to match them. I was doing some reading and listening and discovered that athletes are using the cleanse program too. This is not just for people that want to cleanse and lose weight. It’s for hardcore training. I will be posting some more on that later.

I will posting my weekly weigh-in number on Wednesday and then switching to Monday weigh-ins until I finish the 30 day cleanse. That will kill two weigh-in birds with one stone for the time being.

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (34)

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  1. Steve v4.6No Gravatar says:

    Wow! I’m looking forward to hearing about the whole experience and the long-term results. Way to go.

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      Steve, I am looking forward to it as well. I am hoping to kick start a great run of muscle building and fat loss with this. Thanks.

  2. Strong OneNo Gravatar says:

    I’m skeptical… but interested to see the end result.
    Best of luck.

  3. Blaine MooreNo Gravatar says:

    I’ve never done the Isagenix thing, but a teammate of mine has if you are interested in reading how it affects a competitive runner:

  4. I have to admit, I am a bit skeptical too, I mean the weight loss is great; but fast weight loss can be dangerous and not permanent, especially when you stop taking the Isagenix.

    I hope all goes well for you though mate!

    Take care,

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      The weight loss is a side effect of the cleansing of toxins in the body that use fat for storage. While I am happy about the weight loss, it’s not the only thing that is different so far. I feel great, have energy, my works outs are even awesomer. It’s good to get rid of toxins in the body every now and then.

      Once I stop taking Isagenix, if I ever do, I will of course update my blog to reflect those changes or results. As a matter of fact, once the 30 day cleanse is up, I will be taking a hiatus from Isagenix for about 2 weeks to a month to see what happens. Only one way to find out right?

      I really doubt I will gain the weight back this time around. I have a better mental mindset, as is exemplified by me losing 6 lbs a month before I started taking the Isagenix. My mind was ready again for my weight loss journey.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. DRNo Gravatar says:

    Have you noticed any of the “bad” side effects of cleansing?

    Headaches, “intestinal distress”, wicked bad breath, fatigue…

    A lot of cleansing products say that these effects are to be expected as your body removes the “toxins” from the fat cells into the blood, through the liver and out of the body.

    Just curious.

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      No bad side effects. I don’t drink coffee, so I don’t have withdrawal headaches. Intestinal distress? Nope. Bad breathe? Nope. Fatigue, nope, I actually feel a lot more energized. My workouts feel great and I actually want to do more.

  6. MuataNo Gravatar says:

    Well, I have to say that I’m in the skeptical camp on this one Israel, unfortunately. First, the whole notion of a detox can’t really be verified can it? I mean, if you had your blood drawn, how is one to measure the level of toxins in your system? Is there even such a test? Also, when companies like Isagenix or any “detox” company promot0s these types of programs, we have to basically take their word for it. I’d like to see the peer reviewed research on their claims. I just checked their site and didn’t see any.

    Also, what’s the difference between this and let’s say slim-fast, spirutein, or any other type of “diet” that promotes you replacing two meals with their shake? Bro, all of these types of diets trick you into consuming very low calories to induce water weight loss, which your body will gladly regain once you start to eat solid foods again. Not trying to piss on your parade here because I know how good it feels to see the scale go down; however, I also know how discouraging it is to see it go back up after going off this type of diet/cleanse.

    However, if you are committed to following this through 30 days, I suggest that you add more protein and calories on the days you lift. When you are eating low cal, your body actually needs more protein than if you were eating at maintenance. Also, you must calculate how many calories you are going to consume after the 30 days. I can’t stress how critical this part is if you don’t want to regain all of the weight you’re going to lose. Oh, and this has absolutely nothing to do with will power or mindset; it’s 100% about human physiology. When you lose weight quickly, the body will work that much harder to regain it!

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      Muata, I feel ya. I was skeptical at first too. The difference with this is that it provides you with key nutrients that those others don’t. I do eat solid foods, just had a Quizno’s Mesquite Chicken with Bacon Sandwich, it was slamming! I don’t expect to gain weight, because I plan on continuing to workout, as I have been doing for months, and eating well (which I had been doing for a month before trying Isagenix which caused me to lose 6 lbs before trying Isagenix). This isn’t some thing I am doing to lose weight and then stop. Which happens to a lot of people. They lose the weight and get complacent. Whether I continue to use Isagenix products or not, I will still be eating healthier, consuming my calories, working out and doing my thing. Isagenix will only help I think.

      As far as protein, I get plenty of protein from the Isagenix but I also add a few scoops of my regular whey protein each time I make the shake. I am consuming about 1200 to 1500 calories a day on Isagenix, which is what I was doing for the past month with out using Isagenix. I plan on doing the same and slowly increasing the calories as I get to where I want to be.

      Thanks for the concern, and your knowledge. It is always helpful. Always! Especially since you have been through just about every thing you possibly could go through with weight issues.

    • Muata, what you’re saying and your thought process is exactly where I was at with this a year ago and why I’ve avoided it for that same year.

      Finally, after a year, I decided to just do my own research and when I was happy with the product ingredients and medical information, said I was willing to prove them wrong for 9 days.

      I found out that I WAS WRONG. Everything I know about health, nutrition, cleansing, weight loss, calorie restriction etc has come up for full examination in my very own experiences.

      What I’m experienceing SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING, yet it is.

      I committed to 9 days, to try this. After 9 days, I was stunned and further committed to 30 days.

      What I’ve experiences has turned all my beliefs 180 degrees. I’ve come to learn that this is beyond simple calorie resctrction and water loss, way beyond. I have personally experienced the energy levels off one “shake” that allowed me to backpack with a 50 pound pack for 14 Kilometers one afternoon with nothing but full energy. My energy levels so stunned my hiking partners that they’ve since gotten involved to try this for themselves.

      I fully get where you’re coming from. I was there. The words you typed are what I was thinking and what I was warning people about. I’ve since changed my opinion and am sharing my results with others so that they too may at least make up their own mind.

      It was athletes such as these hall of famers that allowed me to put my mind at rest for at least 9 days to try it. I would never advise anyone to only do 9 days though because a few short days into the 9, most realize (again from my experience) that this indeed is providing what people are looking for and they are glad they could continue on to do 30 days.

      the hall of famers above have gained muscle muss, while dropping body fat at the same time.

      Israel has decided to put this to the test and in doing so is having his own experience. He came to the same conclusion I did after only a few days


      Yet it is.

      What I’ve come to realize and teach to others, even before Isagenix, is that it’s not about calories at all. The body wants nutrient dense foods to support it nutritionally. An individual may consume 2000 calories of macdonalds, or doritos, or ice cream vs lean chicken, dark leafy greens, whole grain rice and carbohydrates and obviously have different results.

      This program seems to be a delivery system for highly advanced nutrition, amino acids, vitamins and minerals while allowing the body to clean itself. When it’s clean, it can then further make use of the new nutritional system.

      I would NEVER advise anyone to do something that did not work for me or that I would not use. I have turned down countless offers for medical drugs, and advertising of such because they’re not in alignment with my philosophy or integrity.

      I fully support this program and these nutritional products.

      as for his “additional” protein, he’s following the program to the letter so that he may have his experience and results, but I have spoken with him about adding a little more due to his training lifestyle. That said, the protein he is consuming is of a higher quality than what he could be getting elsewhere anyway, so his body is making use of it in a more efficient manor.

      again, as with the calorie question, It’s my belief and what I teach – that it’s about quality of the protein, not the amount that matters. If the body cannot make use of the nutrients it’s given, it doesn’t matter how much we eat anyway.

      I hope that helps answer this question. I too, had the same thoughts you did about the amounts of calories.

      have a look at the athlete hall of famers for their stories and results on the program. IF they trust their training and muscle mass to this for a few short days, I was willing to try it too.

  7. MuataNo Gravatar says:

    Israel, I hear you and I just found out that you are working with someone that I’ve admired on my fat loss journey, Rob from I know that he’s been through just as many programs as we both have, and if he’s having his clients do the cleanse, then I’m going really watch this with a careful eye. So, I’m no longer a skeptic, but I’m going to suspend my judgement 😉

    I appreciate you taking this 30 day challenge and documenting it for all of us to see. Keep it going bro!

  8. Really if you think about the science of it a cleanse makes sense for health and weight loss. I have never tried the system you are using but as part of a healthy lifestyle I do a full cleanse every three months but I also have one cleansing day a week where I limit my intake to only water, vegetables and pure vegetable juices

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      People are skeptical about cleansing the body, I was one of them…they immediately think of colon cleansing, and lemon diet stuff.

    • DudeNo Gravatar says:

      What is the “science” of a cleanse. I’d like to see some pointers to studies or at least some critically thought out ideas relating to exactly what you think you are “cleansing” from your body.

  9. SalutaryBlogNo Gravatar says:

    Those are some insane numbers Is. The best I did was 20 lbs in 2 months changing diet and a small change in my workout. I tend to hover in my zone, but it’s just a matter of how toned do I want to be 😉

    Keep up the hard work!

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      A few months ago I think I dropped about 20 lbs in a month and a few years ago I lost about 40 to 50 lbs in a 3 months span just working out and watching what I ate.

  10. Hood WorkoutNo Gravatar says:

    This will be interesting to follow. I will be keeping up. Btw, where are you measuring inches (one place or multiple)?

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      I am measuring inches on my upper arms (bicep/triceps area), calves, thighs, waist, diaphragm, chest, neck, abdomen, and upper thigh. Phew, that was a mouthful.

  11. UltrasNo Gravatar says:

    You are great !
    I lost 30 pound in 7 mounth !

  12. JessieNo Gravatar says:

    Feels great hey Israel?

    You are correct when you mention that weight loss is just a simple, yet welcome side effect of the cleanse.
    I feel absolutely incredible. Today is the final day of my 30 cleanse.

  13. I am waiting for result man

  14. IRS liensNo Gravatar says:

    Is that safe to loose that much weight that much fast? I have heard that things like this make big harms later.

  15. I hope you will be ok and wish you success in your weight loss journey

  16. SteveNo Gravatar says:

    Those are amazing results. I might have to take a look at this program that you have been working with.

  17. Diet CleanseNo Gravatar says:

    What went wrong? Above you say, don’t waste your time?

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      I gained it all back, and it’s really hard and unrealistic to think you can stay on this type of calorie restricted diet. For me, anyways. It was hard to think I could continue to do this for more than 3 weeks. It is fine at first but then it gets tougher.

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