

Another Pound Bites the Dust

Uh, uh, uh. And another pound bites the dust. And another pound bites, and another pound bites, and another pound bites the duuuust. I’ve lost another pound since getting back on track with my eating. A pound is a pound. Like my high school football coach used to say, “A win is a win.” I will take a 1 lb loss any day. As long as I keep shedding the weight I am happy. I won’t lie, I have been expecting bigger numbers, but what can I say?

This officially puts me back at 315 lbs. That is my one rep max on the bench press. The last time I weighed 315 lbs was October 2007, my reaction post from when I reached that mark last time was one of dissappointment. That is not the case this time. Looking back, I had a different goal in mind. Maybe it’s what led to my failing the first time around?


I think this week I am going to kick it up a notch in the intensity department. Maybe that will do the trick. Eating wise, I have been doing great. I don’t feel restricted, but I don’t feel like I am overindulging either. I think I am slowly finding that balance that I need to sustain for the rest of my life. As I continue to get used to my new eating habits, I think I can hold back on more things without feeling the urge to binge on “bad” food choices.

I’m going to keep it short today, just wanted to announce my weight loss for the week. Hopefully next week I can post a bit of a larger number. I’m aiming for a, drumroll please… 5 lbs loss.

Can Israel make his 5 lb loss? Will he be able to increase his intensity without injuring himself? Will the Dynamic Duo escape The Joker’s deadly trap? Stay tuned next week for the exciting conclusion…

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (43)

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  1. MikeNo Gravatar says:

    Woo hoo…congrats man.

  2. Strong OneNo Gravatar says:

    Keep it up my friend. Glad to hear things are going well.

  3. SalutaryBlogNo Gravatar says:

    Awesome man! No better feeling than seeing you have lost weight. Keep workin’ hard and results will show.

  4. Wow – Way to go! As you said… a win is a win.

  5. DRNo Gravatar says:

    Way to go!

    You truly are Bat-tastic!!!

  6. NickNo Gravatar says:

    Just curious, what was your goal the first time around?

  7. Great blog. Many people take years to lose 33 lbs. Keep it up man.

  8. MizFitNo Gravatar says:

    kudos, you funny AND now Im gonna be singing that song all day 🙂

  9. It’s tough cause you (we) expect more loss. But we have to keep in mind that it is a SLOW process that exceeds only as we continue to progress and develop more and more muscle. Keep up the fantastic work!!

  10. chatoNo Gravatar says:

    Congrats! Sorry I have been away…lol just hit the dumps the last few weeks but things age getting better… I’m glad your doing go.

  11. mrlowbodyfatNo Gravatar says:

    Good job Israel!! Keep it going bro …

  12. Great job, slow weight lose is usually healthier than many rapid weight loss programs and you will be able to keep it off easier.

    Love the title

  13. TomNo Gravatar says:

    Congratulations. Continuous progress is the key, and you seem to be well on your way to reaching your goal.

  14. Good job man, that’s the way you have to celebrate, pound by pound.
    Are thinking to lose 5 pounds a week? It’s too much, you should aim for 3, which will be 12 a month, what is great and you don’t have to “kill” yourself.
    May the Force be with you, my friend (with Darth Vader’s voice)

    • Israel LagaresNo Gravatar says:

      I don’t 5 lbs is too much to strive for. It has been done before. I have done it. We shall see how it turns on next week.

  15. Avy BarnesNo Gravatar says:

    Congrats! Keep on keeping on! This is nice blog btw!

  16. Jarod ClarkNo Gravatar says:

    You have inspired me to get myself back in shape.

  17. MrBoatingNo Gravatar says:

    Keep on going. You have to reach the aim

  18. Hi bro! Way to go! Keep powering through, as the weeks go passed your goal is getting closer! I too have slashed some lbs this week! We’re on a roll!! 🙂 Hey have you checked out the interview that I did with Robert dos Remedios author of Mena’s Health Power Training?

    Take care, Andrew

  19. Psssssttt…
    I think you picke dyourself up rather well. It’s been a while since I’ve been around here, and I am enjoying what I’m reading.

    Perhaps another challenge between you and I is forthcoming?



  20. JessieNo Gravatar says:

    oh look at me not remembering how to post properly.

    Let’s pretend that didn’t happen


  21. Will?No Gravatar says:

    It’s been a week, Israel – how’s the weight loss coming? Let’s get an update!

    I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of this year at 440lbs and just crossed the hundred pound mark at 340 this week. I’m proof that anybody can loose weight naturally if they put in the work.

    Where are you at, bud?

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